Find out more about our initiative, the Future We Want!

Inspired by the 2012 Rio+20 Resolution, “The Future We Want”, Future We Want Model United Nations is the only conference in New York Free of Charge. FWWMUN is committed to promoting a united international community, a better future, and a more sustainable world through the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). FWWMUN has identified 10 goals from the 17 SDGs as key focus areas related to youth and education to guide the work of the organization.
UN high level officials have highlighted the important role Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Youth NGOs play in advocating for the SDGs in their countries. FWWMUN will work closely with organizations committed to bringing about the Future We Want to help all of us address this challenge together.
Our core values are inclusivity and diversity. FWWMUN is the unique MUN in the world to be fully inclusive, allowing equal participation and opportunities for people from all countries.